Track List
Track 1) Intro – prepares you on what’s coming up ahead.
Track 2) Where am at – speaks about the stage of my life I’m in right now, in terms of, my state of mind, path, and direction.
Track 3) Just Call – a call for Jesus when life throw us curve balls & challenges, just call on the name Jesus and turn your problems over to him.
Track 4) God is Everything – expresses gratefulness of God’s blessings, he is everywhere and all around us!
Track 5) Counting my Blessings – thanking the Lord for all his many blessings.
Track 6) Love & Pray – is a feel good song that sums up Christ-like behavior in a few simple words.
Track 7) King of Kings – another track that praises his name and give God all the glory, because it’s power in his name!
Track 8) Thank You – this track simply expresses thankfulness to the Lord almighty.